Thursday, September 23, 2021

Links: Governors' races in the midterms; resigning from the pro-life movement

Links: Governors' races in the midterms; resigning from the pro-life movement 

Gonzalez should keep his powder dry unless he has some he is supporting in mind. The nuts may be expelled well before the election for their support of the Insurrection - or at least censured.

When shoes start dropping, Republicans may either change their ways and risk primaries if the voters stand firm behind Citizen Trump or lead them away from Prisoner 45.

The first Councils were attended by bishops who were essentially pastors. Going back to that level of representation would be good and bad, mostly because the people in the pews are slightly more conservative than the entire membership of the Church. Still, synodality should be more local as well - including some decision making. Abuse and authoritarianism are the result of our current episcopal culture. We no longer live in the High Middle Ages or the 1950s.

Ledewitz has finally gotten honest on the nature and impossibility of the pro-life movement. Democrats for Life need to be clear on whether they support criminal penalties and state power. The Texas law has forced disclosure on them.

 Here's a hint: if you are not in favor of encouraging self-service abortions, registering every pregnancy (and possibly every pregnancy test), giving the state power to investigate all pregnancy loss (try that without seeing officer involved shootings go up as husbands man up and react as they should) and holding mothers accountable for securing what would legally be infanticide, then you are really pro-choice. 

Being unclear on this lets people in both parties call themselves pro-life - but they are for the unborn the way some people are for puppies. It is also why GOP and Pro-Life leadership do not trust Democrats for Life. I was actually hoping from the headline that MSW had come to his senses and faced reality that the pro-life movement is entirely a wedge issue with no goal of actually stopping abortion. It has forced some bishops into the GOP in a way that neuters economic solutions and actually causes abortion. People figure that they would rather ban abortion than pay more taxes.

Texas has forced the issue. It is also a fools errand for anyone who is seeking to actually enforce the law. The doctor who wrote about actually performing abortions has been sued, which now allows the issue to become ripe. He will not appeal the standing decision so he will not have to pay much in legal fees to the ACLU and the Center for Reproductive Rights. Anyone who wanted to really go ahead with supporting the legislation will be paying huge legal bills and court costs. 

This law is the Texas legislature and the pro-life movement trying to look busy to their membership. The involvement of the bishops in the movement is divisive to the nation and helping to perpetuate a fraud. With every abortion they try to prevent, three other children die because going GOP, as I said, delays the financial measures that actually would work if the pro-life movement dropped the GOP. The bishops have blood on their hands for those three who would have otherwise lived. So does any Democrat for Life that does not hold the movement to account for its economics. 

I am cross-posting these paragraphs on at

The Book of Jonah may have been a Babylonian import. It is also an object lesson to the holier than art thou - especially clergy and the pro-life movement.

I suspect that Monicagate gave parents pause about how their children view sex. The parents needed the talking to, as they were completely in the dark. I agree, Me Too started with Weinstein and Cosby, not Bill. Women like Bill and hate what the modern Jonahs did to him (and why).

Did Miles Davis ever include an organ in his combo? Now that would have been something to hear. I would also appreciate any organist who could duplicate his style. Coltrane's too.

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